Santa's Handmade Wish - Support your local handmade artists and makers this Christmas.
Santa's Handmade Wish all started with a poem I wrote one morning.
With all my fellow creatives in mind, I wanted to make a video expressing the importance of supporting your local creative community.
Anyone using their hands to create beautiful things. Artists, makers, writers, photographers, bakers, sewers, knitters, song writers, dancers and more...
I started thinking about Santa and how things have changed for him. I thought back to my childhood and how Christmas felt as a little girl. I remembered what it felt like to make a gift for someone I loved and I couldn't wait to watch their faces as they opened it. It was magic!
The handmade movement comes straight from the heart. When you support a creative, you are taking a piece of their heart home with you. The term "Labour of Love" is true.
We create to connect. We create to spend time with our families. We create to share with our friends. We create to learn and grow. We create to share our joys. We create to share our hearts with you!

Please choose a "true gift" that comes from the heart and was made with loving hands.
Support your local Handmade Makers.
Love Robin OX